Zusammenarbeit – weil eins plus eins mehr als zwei ist— mavia Passion for Impact —
+41 (0) 44 380 22 60
„gute Absicht in sinnvolles Handeln zu transformieren um Wert für sich selber und andere zu schaffen“
Die gebürtige Schweizerin mit spanischen Wurzeln, wurde bereits in ihrer Kindheit dank der sozialen Engagements ihrer in Indien wirkenden und arbeitenden Eltern geprägt. Deshalb hat Nathalie auch nach Ihrem Universitätsabschluss in St. Gallen und der anschliessenden Beratungstätigkeit bei PWC in London und Bain & Company in Zürich ihre Leidenschaft für soziales Engagement beibehalten.
In den vergangenen vier Jahren verknüpfte sie ihr fachliches Wissen, ihre persönliche Projekterfahrung und ihre Leidenschaft für die Philanthropie bei der LGT Venture Philanthropy. Dort baute sie als „Head of Advisory“ nicht nur das Beratungsteam auf, sondern betreute auch selbst private sowie institutionelle Kunden bei ihren philanthropischen Engagements und Investitionen.
Ihr hoher Anspruch an sich selbst, ihre Kunden noch umfassender und unabhängiger zu betreuen, war ihre Motivation, mavia Passion for Impact GmbH zu gründen.
Nicht nur zu denken, sondern zu handeln und im Kleinen anzufangen um letztendlich Grosses zu bewirken.
MOOSMANN ADVISORS (MA) is specialized in serving first generation entrepreneurs to multi-generational business owning families and family offices.
The fully independent and multi-disciplinary advisory capabilities are aimed at delivering tailored solutions to a specific need or, more comprehensively, to provide sustainable strategies for families concerned with their long term wealth preservation.
MOOSMANN ADVISORS LTD.Dr. Kurt Moosmann is an acknowledged advisor to business owning families, family offices and private clients with global asset holdings. Before establishing his own Advisory firm Moosmann Advisors Ltd. he had co-founded and successfully assumed the role as Chairman of Dara Capital, a Multi-Family Office with offices in Zurich and New York, providing Investment and Wealth Advisory services. Formerly Dr. Moosmann was responsible for the creation and management of the Wealth Advisory Department at Quilvest Switzerland Ltd., prior to which, he was the International Head of Deutsche Banks Wealth Planning Division.
In 2004, Dr. Moosmann co-founded the Family Office Roundtable (FORT), which is now run in collaboration with Whartons Global Family Alliance. FORT serves as a global Think-Tank for 50 entrepreneurial families with diverse global portfolios to candidly share knowledge and expertise in an environment of trust.
Dr. Moosmann has been an active member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), and participated between 2002-2005 in the European Foundation Project as a member of the core team, led by the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign Private and International Law, Hamburg. He is a Board Member of a select group of family enterprises and a Member of the Advisory Board of Headwater S.C. in Pittsburgh (USA).
The native Swiss-Canadian holds a Doctorate of Law (magna cum laude) from the University of Zurich. His thesis, comparing the Anglo-Saxon and Liechtenstein trust structures, with special consideration of beneficiaries interests, was published in 1999. He also holds an MBA in International Wealth Management from Carnegie Mellon University (USA). Dr. Moosmann regularly lectures on topics related to Cross-Border Estate and Tax Planning, and the transition and governance within Family Business Enterprises.